This initiative was the result of reflection on the mission of the district that manages the DLTM, in the field of training and on the role of catalyst and facilitator. It aims to create a framework of collaboration in which participants share their knowledge in joint training projects.

The International School of Marine Technology, in conformity with the European policy of smart specialisation and clustering of resources, seeks to bring together three environments that are usually weakly correlated, manufacturing, education/training and research in order to:

  • Promote comprehensive and effective training with the support of research institutions and industry, bringing together the needs of industry and the drivers of research. This creates a structured and organised network of skills.
  • Be a point of reference for the sector as a link between suppliers of education/training and the world of production, acting as a catalyst of supply and demand
  • Serve as a reference point by providing 360-degree training for students, graduates and companies.



The school will operate on two levels:

  • National/regional
  • International


The school will serve undergraduates, graduates, doctoral students, employees of member companies, and students of secondary schools.

It will offer a range of services:

  • Annual seminar programmes in cooperation with universities, research bodies, and companies
  • International seminars
  • Advanced training (masters, specialist courses, research grants, doctorates, advanced apprenticeships, summer and winter schools) requested by DLTM members and in collaboration with leading partners and consultants
  • Training activities involving international exchanges (research grants, Erasmus for entrepreneurs, visiting professors, internships etc)
  • Technical and corporate training (also available on request)
  • Theoretical and practical training with the cooperation of companies, including seminars, presentations, and business visits
  • Innovative information sessions for secondary-school students with the support of teachers, EPRs, firms and universities, to promote public awareness of the scientific professions in general and the marine sector in particular
  • Promotion of business internships in Italy and abroad
  • Consultancy for secondary schools to promote sandwich courses for DLTM members
  • Matching demand and supply to facilitate placements (thesis database, career days etc.) in close cooperation with members
  • Intermediation and counselling for internships and placements
  • Specific interventions in the field of adult education


The targets of these programmes will be

  • University students and graduates: complementing institutional education with more job-oriented skills
  • Companies: upgrading existing professional profiles, and training for new ones in light of the upgrading of human capital and increasing innovation. This allows businesses to position themselves more competitively in dealings with emerging markets, and to monitor technological trends and design programmes that encourage growth, innovation and business-oriented synergies between economic actors
  • Secondary schools: increase young people's awareness of the scientific professions in general and the marine sector in particular. This is done using internships and alternating school and work. It involves schools, companies and research institutes presenting possible career alternatives, and consists of training rather than traditional counselling.



Since one of the main reasons for the school's creation is to bring together universities, public research and educational bodies, it will be open to public and/or private entities in Italy or abroad.

In the context of its international scope, cooperation with universities and research institutes outside Italy is vital. We have initiated contacts with manufacturers, academics, and the research world. The following have already expressed interest:

  1. Cranfield University
  2. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
  3. Univ. of Liege
  4. Univ. of Newcastle upon Tyne
  5. Orizzonte Formazione
  6. Univ. Parthenope NA
  7. Univ. Genova
  8. Fondazione Promostudi La Spezia
  9. West Pomeranian University of Technology Szczecin
  10. Univ. of Rostock
  11. Ecole Centrale Nantes
  12. ASTER s.p.a. Technology & Engineering
  13. NAVIGO scarl
  14. Azimut-Benetti Spa
  15. Yildiz Technical University
  16. Expertise S.r.l.
  17. Antbox ltd
  18. DLTM